I will be a Father to you, and you will be sons and daughters to Me, says the Lord Almighty.
- 2 Corinthians 6:18

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Living Sent, Ethiopia: His Presence

 Wow. I really failed at updating my Ethiopia journey daily. Oops. Sorry. I have a valid excuse though, because WinShape Camps. But hey, I'm picking up where I left off so whatever.
Tuesday, June 24th
Simple peace. Sweet, overwhelming presence. Today was yet another powerful day. We witnessed and participated in little glimpses of the Kingdom come. From a powerful worship and prayer time this morning on Mount Tabor, to an equally powerful and overwhelming service at the church tonight, God was there.

 God was there.

 And isn't that just as He promised? Didn't He say He would never leave us, and that He would pour out His Spirit on all people?

 He is with us as we join together, Ethiopian and American in His creation, praising His name.

 I feel the peace of God that is so sweet and pure, yet so profound and overwhelming as I learn to lean completely on Him.

 He pours out His spirit as His church prays over us and we fall to our knees crying, "Lord!"

 As I cry out to Him in my brokenness, He reaches down as Abba Father and holds me. He holds me as I cry kneeling on the floor of His Ethiopian church. His power moves in our midst and strengthens me.

 Yahweh, God of the universe and Creator of the world, fills us. With more of Him and His love, He empowers and commissions us. As He consumes us by His fire, overwhelms us with His love, and instills such awe of His faithfulness within us, what else can I do but raise my hands in praise and surrender? He is the God of our whole world, but also the tender maker of my own heart. He knows the deepest parts of my soul; He pursues me passionately. I felt that passion tonight. The same passion that He has for me He has for every single one of His children. I want others to be strengthened by His power and renewed by His love. And as I cling to Him, I pray that I would demonstrate daily the love He is so fully pouring over me.

 If today could be summed up in one word, it would be presence. Because as soon as we stepped on the mountain this morning, it was as if the whole earth just exhaled. Like peace had finally come and peace was real and tangible. I just had this sense that the Lord knows. He knows everything. He sees everything that I go through and He is right there with me. All the time. I'm holding tightly to that promise. And I'm holding tightly to His presence, each and every day.


  1. Abigail! As I'm catching up with you and reading through some of your words from Ethiopia I can already see how our Father worked in marvellous ways in & through you on this trip! I can't wait to see how you this spurs you on in your everyday life as you come back home. I'm praying for you as you return home - I know it can be tough. But when the enemy tries to lie to you and tell you that it's not worth it, that this life is not important - don't you dare believe it. You're involved in divine Kingdom work here, girl. So don't stop, because His love has the power to do incredible things. :)

    1. I so needed this today. Thank you so much, Alyssa. Very glad we can be involved together in His kingdom work, though we live so far away. I'm encouraged by you each day!
