I will be a Father to you, and you will be sons and daughters to Me, says the Lord Almighty.
- 2 Corinthians 6:18

Monday, October 13, 2014

Day 13: This Is Just the Start of a Great Romance

 Well, we are over a third of our way through this blogging month. And I wasn't really as prepared as I should have been. There have been several busy days when no posts appeared. Bear with me though, because this has been a learning process for me!

 But here's the thing, y'all. Even with my lack of posts, God has been moving and using this month like crazy. I have found His romance. There hasn't been any huge revelations or writing on the wall. He has not written anything in the clouds or shown up in some huge and mighty way. Instead He just keeps gently showing me His love and gives me something sure to hold on to.

 I'm still a work in progress. There will never be a day that I will grasp His love fully because it is so, so far beyond comprehension. But Christ keeps calling me to more. 31 days is just the starting point of a life that will be lived daily romanced by Him.

 Will you join me in praying, pleading for God to continue to show up? We can live boldly in this love of His and I think that's where He is leading me next. Now that He's opened me to His love, I want to step out and live love with boldness. 31 Days is not over, and 31 Days is just the beginning.

 Thank You, my sweet, sweet Savior. Thank You for this love. You are my constant; Your love never ends. Walk with me. I want to lean on You. God, I pray that I will step out and boldly live a life of Your love. This is such a beautiful beginning. You are my One Romance. 

 This is day 13 of a 31 day series on being romanced by Him. Read more and catch up here.

1 comment:

  1. Post everyday or not, God is using your blog and the words that He is writing through you. I cannot agree more that "31 days is not over. 31 days is just the beginning." I think when we move past the "requirements" of the challenge and see God working outside of the "blogging world" is when we truly see the change in our own hearts and lives.
