I will be a Father to you, and you will be sons and daughters to Me, says the Lord Almighty.
- 2 Corinthians 6:18

Monday, October 6, 2014

Day Six: Choosing Him

  Sometimes when you're posting for 31 days, you skip a few because you're away for a weekend retreat, and it's really okay because sometimes you need a distraction-free weekend for God to draw you back closer to Him.

 And oh, did He do that.

 He brought me back to the heart of worship. Back to the heart of Him.

 It's a choice you have to make, I realized over this weekend. You have to choose love instead of complacency. Yes, Christ can and will just hit you in the face with love unending; but there are times like yesterday morning when He just whispers to your heart in the midst of soul chaos and says you know I love you. You know it. But I want to see you choose My love. I want you to choose it above all else, because when you choose Me above all else you will feel My love more passionately; you will know Me deeper. 

 You may have to let go of some people to do that. You may have to let go of busy schedules and control and the stress that comes with control. But this love of His is far more fulfilling and the heart of Him knows me more intimately than any other.

 Lord, I choose You. I choose Your love. More than anything else and above any other. Right here, right now, each and every day.

 Read more on this 31 day challenge here.

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